Competition 2024

Flagships for a social, sustainable, and pioneering Berlin.

Every day, social businesses make a significant contribution to making our city more inclusive, social and sustainable. With the award “Berlin’s Social Enterprises 2024”, Social Economy Berlin, a project supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises, honours established Social Enterprises that are committed to a social, sustainable and future-oriented Berlin since 2022.

In November 2024, three social businesses that already have a proven positive impact in Berlin and beyond will be awarded in three categories: People, Planet, and Transformation.

The first place winners will each receive €5,000, the second place winners will each receive €3,000 and the third place winners will each receive €2,000 in prize money. Additionally, all nine businesses will receive a one-year membership at Impact Hub Berlin.

Businesses that fit the following descriptions will be awarded:

  • „Impact Economy“
  • „Social Businesses / Social Entrepreneurship“
  • „Collective Businesses”
  • „Social and solidarity-based economy“

It is important that the company’s economic activities serve the common good and thus act as a driver for the social and ecological transformation of the economy.

The price categories

Category 1: People
Social enterprise working on diversity, equity and inclusion 

We want to live in a city where everyone feels welcome and safe. Social businesses that advocate for social justice, inclusion, and diversity can be nominated in the category People. 

These include topics like affordable housing, poverty alleviation, accessibility, support of culture and family, health, promoting democracy and participation, education for all, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and civil courage, as well as integration of young and old.

Category 2: Planet
Social enterprise for a good life on earth

The fight against climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time – also here in Berlin. We are seeking social businesses that contribute to the development of Berlin as  an ecologically sustainable metropolis by actively and effectively contributing to climate protection and climate justice.

In the category Planet, social businesses may be nominated that promote topics like green technologies, sustainable food supply, climate-neutral and green cities, CO2 reduction, biodiversity, and mobility.

Category 3: Transformation
Social enterprise for an economy of tomorrow

An economy that doesn’t think about people and the planet is not future-proof. Instead of single-use products and waste production, we need a circular economy that functions like nature itself. This means recycling and repairing but also a change in production and our understanding of the economy. 

In the category Transformation, social businesses may be nominated that successfully implement sustainable production and consumption patterns, transparent and local supply chains, sustainable and reusable packaging, repair workshops, or otherwise carry an economy “of tomorrow” in their DNA. It’s about companies that also show other companies how a circular and sustainable economy can succeed. 

Nominations are now closed!

Nominated companies can still register until September 6. We are looking forward to the applications and the award ceremony on November 4th!

Would you like to share information about the competition?

Here’s a Social Media Kit.

And here’s a Press Kit.

Who can be nominated?

We are looking for social enterprises that have at least one office in Berlin, are active in at least one of the three award categories, and can demonstrate a positive impact. 

You can nominate as many social businesses as you want – and of course, you can nominate your own business too!

To qualify, the social business has to meet the following entry criteria:

Social objectives:

  • Your organisation addresses a social or environmental problem that is part of at least one UN Sustainable Development Goal and thus serves a concrete need. You should explain the causes and effects of the problem and identify  relevant stakeholders.


  • Your organisation distinguishes itself positively from other companies through innovative action. Innovation can take place in the following areas: Business model, processes, product, service, technology, supply chain, governance or impact model.
  • Your organisation has developed an impact model that shows how your actions (output) have a positive effect (outcome and impact) on the social and/or environmental problem described. You can demonstrate this social impact with quantitative and / or qualitative key figures and have introduced a process to improve this social impact.
  • There is a contact person within the organisation who is responsible for ensuring that new surveys are carried out at least every three years.

Stakeholder relations

  • Your organisation knows the beneficiaries or their interest groups. You can describe their perspective(s) on the social and/or environmental problem. Your organisation is in direct contact with the beneficiaries or their interest groups or informs them about your work.

Financial independence

  • You are an economic social enterprise that is firmly committed to acting according to social and ecological principles. Your company (partly) uses market production factors such as capital, assets or wage labour. At least 25% of your employees receive a wage and volunteer labour accounts for less than 75% of your labour force.
  • Your company is able to cover a large part of its expenses itself through income. Market revenue accounts for at least 25% (including revenue from public sector or charitable clients), meaning that up to 75% of your income may be donations or philanthropic gratuitous funds.

Use of funds

  • The organisation uses its surpluses primarily to achieve its mission. This means that surpluses are reinvested in the organisation itself, donated to organisations that pursue a similar mission or distributed to employees. If the organisation is not recognised as a charity or does not (yet) generate any surpluses, this use of funds is stipulated in a statute or similar.
  • If parts of the surpluses (in exceptional cases) are used for other purposes, no more than 25% of the surplus may be distributed in the form of dividends or capital distributions. A portion of the liquidation balance may be freely distributed with the prior consent of the relevant stakeholders.

What happens after the nomination?

Each nominated social business will receive an online registration form from us. In the first part of the form, we want to check whether you meet the entry criteria of the competition. The second part is the foundation for the jury who will rate your application based on the following selection criteria:

  • Problem-Solution Fit (20%):
    • How well do you know the problem and the affected target group (beneficiaries) as well as the people or companies that buy or use your product or service (users)? Are you solving  the problem in a sustainable way?
  • Impact (20%):
    • How do you make an impact on your target group and how sustainable is your approach?
  • Business model (20%):
    • Do you have a financially, operationally and socially sustainable business model?
  • Scalability (20%):
    • How does your business contribute to sustainable living and social business in the long term?
  • Team (10%):
    • Do you have a diverse and competent team that promotes inclusive structures? What is your motivation?
  • Governance (10%):
    • Do you have an innovative governance model?
    • Do you promote participatory and inclusive decision-making processes?

The deadline for submitting your registration forms is 6 September 2024. The registration should take about 45 minutes. Here you’ll find the Terms & Conditions


  1. Nomination phase: 17 June – 1 September 2024
  2. Registration phase: 17 June – 6 September 2024 (after receiving the nomination) 
  3. Selection of the Top 15: 29 September – 2 October 2024
  4. Submission of proof of effectiveness: 2 October – 10 October 2024 
  5. Announcement of the Top 9 and invitation to the presentation: 18 October – 22 October 2024
  6. Free pitch training for the Top 9 by an Impact Hub expert worth 100€: 23 October – 1 November 2024
  7. Presentation and award ceremony: 4 November 2024

Who is on the jury?

Our jury is made up of representatives from politics, the press, meta-stakeholders and civil society.

What is there to win?

The award ceremony will take place on 4 November 2024, following the Social Economy Berlin Symposium 2024. You will therefore have the opportunity to present yourself to a wide audience. The Berlin Senator for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises Franziska Giffey, will hand over the award to the winners. 

First place winners will receive €5,000 each, second place winners will receive €3,000 each, and third place winners will receive €2,000 each.

All nine companies (first-, second-, and third place winners) will additionally receive a one-year Explorer membership to the Impact Hub Berlin worth 557€. As an Explorer member, you will have access to the global Impact Hub network of social innovation actors, inclusive and sustainable office spaces as well as support programs for social entrepreneurs. Additionally, you will be featured on the website of Social Economy Berlin.


What is the definition of a „Social Enterprise“?

  • If all of the following dimensions are met, the company qualifies for the competition (this complies with the entry criteria)
    • Social objective: There are specific social and ecological goals and you can provide proof of your positive impact (e.g. through impact models or quotes from your target group)
    • Stakeholder relationships: The target group(s) are involved in the work in the long run 
    • Organisational structure: Through internal processes co-creation, participation, or power-sharing are strengthened
    • Financial independence: The economic viability is substantially based on self-generated income from the sale of products or services
    • Impact area: The objective is particularly relevant to solving social challenges

What evidence do I need to submit?

  • If you make it into the top 15, you will have to submit the following documents:
    • Documents explaining the ecological or social objective of the company (e.g. statutes or similar)
    • Documents that explain the economic activity (e.g. business report, business registration, extract from the commercial register, or similar)
    • Proof of the positive impact that has already been achieved (quantitative or qualitative, like quotes from the target group; if available, impact reports, impact measurements, or certificates)

I’m not sure which award category the social enterprise I want to nominate fits into.

  • Follow your gut feeling.  Don’t worry, if the nominated company registers, it can still adjust the award category.
  • Often, social businesses fit into more than one category.

We are an association, may we nominate ourselves?

  • Yes, if you meet the entry criteria (see above).

How do you guarantee a fair application process?

  • In the first step, it will be checked if the registered companies meet the entry criteria, which we have made transparent for everyone here. In the second step, an experienced and briefed jury will judge the applications based on the evaluation criteria mentioned above. In a moderated jury session the winning teams will be selected and invited to the presentation on 4 November 2024. 
  • Of course, it is not always possible to compare companies tackling different problems. Therefore, we are asking the top 15 to provide evidence of their impact so that they can be assessed for their positive impact.

Why may I not take part in the competition if I am still in the early founding phase?

As part of the competition, we want to honor and acknowledge social businesses that are already having a proven impact. If you are still in the conception or early founding phase, check out the Business Plan Competition. Here you can also win an additional “Sustainability” award.

How long does it take to complete the nomination form?

  • The nomination is quick! All you have to do is enter the name of the social business, website, contact details, and the award category.

How long does it take to complete the registration form?

  • The registration takes about 45 minutes.

When does the award ceremony take place?

  • The award ceremony will take place on 4 November 2024 as part of the Social Economy Berlin Symposium at the IHK Berlin office.


Social Economy Berlin (SEB) is a joint project of Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. (SEND) and Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V. The project is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises and realised with the kind support of IHK Berlin. The competition is carried out in cooperation with Impact Hub Berlin.


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